Welcome to . . .
Gaemgyu Korean Restaurant
Original taste!!
Fresh dishes!!
Fairy price!!
About us
We are going to set up a Korean restaurant, but also offer the Thai foods.
A big part of Thai economy profit comes from the travel industry. Lots of tourists come from Korea. And there are lots of Korean come to Thailand to do business and study. The taste of Thai food is similar to Korean food. It’s easier for Thai people to accept Korean food. Most of Korean restaurants in Thailand just offer Korean food. So, almost all the customers that visit Korean restaurants are tourists from Korea or foreigners such as Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese. But not so many Thai people visit Korean restaurants yet. So, we would also like to offer the Thai food in order to attract more Thai people to come and taste Korean food.
I would like to open a Korean restaurant in Bangkok Thailand. The reasons for that are listed below:
Korean food is very famous all over the world. Most of the foreign people prefer to eat kinds of Korean food in their own countries. It can be a good business opportunity for me to invest in foreign country.
Thailand is a better place to be invested because the regulations of government are not too strict. It is pretty easy to open a small scale of restaurant without any permitions for the government.
Nowadays, there are a lot of Korean students and businesspersons in Thailand. However, some of them cannot adapt the spicy Thai food.
Korean Cuisine
The staple drops in Korea are rice, beans and various grains. The seasonal climate of the peninsula lends itself to the cultivation of diverse products including varieties of vegetables. Korea is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and the conflux of cold and warm currents in coastal areas yield a bountiful harvest of marine products. Especially along the south and west coasts, the tidal lands nurture a rich array of shellfish. Since early times, Koreans developed fermented recipes such as picked fish and shellfish as well as pickled vegetables, preserving foods that would provide essential nutrients through the lean winter months, Eventually, fermented side dishes became as much as part of daily sustenance as boiled rice and soup.
What I want to do
I plan to open a small scale of Korean restaurant. The food I mainly sell is the Kim-chi. If the guests would like to come to my restaurant, I will certainly offer many kinds of Korean traditional food, such as sesame seeds, garlic, ginger, spring onion, sesame oil, DoenJang (fermented bean paste), GoChuJang etc. and many delicious dishes originally from Korea.
My first choice is the Sukhumvit road, which is located in the center of the city.
You can take sky train, MRT, and even buses to my restaurant.
Some of the persons who do not really conveniently to come here, I also offer the delivery service.
Gradually, I will locate my restaurant at every famous place in Thailand and Korea.
1.Market survey
2.Feasibility argumentation
3.Investment risk analysis
4.Orientation analysis
5.Construct project schedule
6.Restaurant functional layout
The appearance of the restaurant should be distinctive and symbolized.
I prepare to hire some Thai employees to be the waiters. It should be better if someone can speak Korean.
I will also promote my food through internet.
New technique
Waiters can use PDA to order and add dished for the customers, then transfer the data to printers.
It is a kind of simple and convenient technique.
I’d like to do my business with my cousin when I graduate and when I have enough capitals and capacities.
While the business conditions should be stabilize.
SWOT analysis
I will use the SWOT to analysis the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of my Korean restaurant respectively.
As much as the categories of traditional Korean food.
Materials and sauces will be imported from Korean market.
Entertainments supporting.
Internet promotion
Improve the quality of my services.
High cost of materials supply.
Avoid the problems of uncleanness.
Competitive location.
Order the food through the internet.
We will certainly face many competitors at Sukhumvit road.
The internal weaknesses will directly threaten my restaurant.
Funding Total
Equipment Total 45,556.00
HVAC Improvements 7,000.00
Hood vent with return air 15,000.00
Register system 6,000.00
Smallwares 15,000.00
Chairs 4,000.00
Tables 12,000.00
Remaining construction alloance 75,000.00
*Bathrooms 179,556.00
Training & opening food 7,500.00
Pre-opening 187,056.00
Equipment List
60" Sandwich station reach-in refrigerator -3 1,395.00 4,185.00
54" Two door reach-in refrigerator 1,855.00 1,855.00
30" Ice cream cabinet 675.00 675.00
92" Keg dispenser 2,075.00 2,075.00
80" Black bottle cooler 1,260.00 1,260.00
Ice cream dipwell 105.00 105.00
30" Ice maker cubers - 459 lbs 1,630.00 1,630.00
Ice bin 270-340 capacity 545.00 545.00
Draft box tapping kit 115.00 115.00
Walk-in refrigerator box 3,415.00 3,415.00
Refrigerator for walk-in - 1 1/2 H.P. 2,270.00 2,270.00
Freezer - 2 door - 54" 2,375.00 2,375.0
Boiler - 42 1/4" - 3 burner 1,635.00 1,635.00
6 Burner-Vulcan (2-oven w/convection, griddle & broiler) 3,685.00 3,685.00
Casters 160.00 160.00
Warming drawer - single 600.00 600.00
750 Watt food warmer 160.00 160.00
Microwave 1200 Watt 950.00 950.00
Slicer Berkel - 10" 645.00 645.00
Kitchen Aid - 5 qt. 380.00 380.00
Food processor 435.00 435.00
Dishwasher - Jackson 5,350.00 5,350.00
Coffee brewer 535.00 535.00
Water/service station 1,233.00 1,233.00
Steam kettle - Cleveland - 6 gallon 2,246.00 2,246.00
Dish tables 700.00 700.00
Work table - 6 200.00 1,200.00
3 Compartment dish sink - 2 drainboards - 127" x 27"
1,469.00 1,469.00
Handsinks - 2 165.00 165.00
Deep fat fryer 725.00 725.00
Sub Total 42,778.00
Tax 2,567.00
TOTAL 45,556.00
Pro Forma Profit &
Loss Statement
SALES Year 1 Year 2
Food 528,000.00 88 633,600.00 88
Beverage 72,000.00 12 86,400.00 12
TOTAL 600,000.00 100% 720,000.00 100%
Cost Of Sales
Food 174,240,00 33 209,088.00 33
Beverage 21,600.00 30 25,920.00 30
TOTAL 195,840.00 32.6 235,008.00 32.6
Hourly Labor Total w/Payroll Tax 150,000.00 25 172,800.00 24
Controllables Operating supplies 30,000.00 5 32,400.00 4.5
Repairs & maintenance 12,000.00 2 12,600.00 1.8
Total Controllables 42,000.00 7 45,000.00 6.3
Profit After Controllables 212,160.00 35.4 267,192.00 37.1
Utilities 14,000.00 2.3% 14,700.00 2.0%
Rent 25,200.00 4.2 25,875.00 3.6
Depreciation 30,000.00 5.0 30,000.00 4.2
Equipment write-off 16,400.00 2.7 10,000.00 1.4
Training labor 5,000.00 .8
Training food 2,500.00 .4
Printing 2,000.00 .3 2,000.00 .3
Insurance 12,000.00 2.0 13,500.00 1.9
Advertising 9,000.00 1.5 10,800.00 1.5
Bank charges 1,000.00 .2 1,000.00 .1
Dues 500.00 .1 500.00 .1
Personal property 2,500.00 .4 3,000.00 .4
Use tax 2,200.00 .4 2,200.00 .3
Single business tax 3,000.00 .5 4,000.00 .6
Licenses 2,500.00 .4 2,500.00 .3
Professional fees 7,000.00 1.2 7,000.00 1.0
Miscellanceous 3,000.00 .5 3,000.00 .4
Management labor 50,000.00 8.3 60,000.00 8.3
Interest expense 21,000.00 3.5 20,000.00 2.8
TOTAL NON-CONTROLLABLES208,800.00 34.8 210,075.00 29.2
PROFIT 3,360.00 .6 57,117.00 7.9
Projected Cash Flow
Year 1 Year 2
Beginning Balance Plus: 30,000.00 45,950.00
Cash receipts/sales 636,000.00 763,200.00
TOTAL CASH 666,000.00 809,150.00
Food cost 174,240.00 209,088.00
Beverage cost 2 1,600.00 25,920.00
Hourly payroll 150,000.00 172,800.00
Operating supplies 30,000.00 32,400.00
Repairs & maintenance 12,000.00 12,600.00
Utilities 14,000.00 14,700.00
Rent 25,200.00 25,875.00
Printing 2,000.00 2,000.00
Insurance 12,000.00 3,500.00
Advertising 9,000.00 10,800.00
Bank Charges 1,000.00 1,000.00
Dues 500.00 500.00
Personel Property 2,500.00 3,000.00
Use Tax 2,200.00 2,200.00
Single Business Tax 3,000.00 4,000.00
Licenses 2,500.00 2,500.00
Professional Fees 7,000.00 7,000.00
Miscellaneous 3,000.00 3,000.00
Management Labor with Taxes 50,000.00 60,000.00
Loan Repayment 30,960.00 30,960.00
Income Tax Payment 1,380.00 23,000.00
Sales Tax Payments 66,050.00 89,150.00
DISBURSEMENTS 620,050.00 745,993.00
CASH FLOW 45,950.00 63,157.00
Management Strategies
“Personal Based”
Management Method
Respect employees is the important precondition.
Train employees is the key for the “Personal Based”.
Use the right employees is the core content of “Personal Based”.
“Personal Based” is an important path to increase the cohesion of groups.
Service Quality Management
Customer service is the basic condition for a high level restaurant management.
A good quality service can increase our image and good will.
3 Steps for Service Management
1.Set up a service standard.
2.Pay attention on the employees’ trainings.
3.Gather the feedback from customers.
Customer Satisfaction Strategy
Base on the customer satisfaction, then through the market survey of product satisfaction, conduct the product quality management.
Main point of CS strategy
1.Construct a unique repast environment.
2.Guarantee the food quality.
3.Price is the steelyard of CS.
4.Sanitation is the basic condition for CS.
5.Provide VIP services to each customers.
Kitchen Management
Kitchen is a direct path to determine the success or failure of the restaurant.
We need to manage it with a high standard procedure, improve work efficiency, reduce cost, increase the quality of food and service speed.
Internet Promotion
No need to set up a homepage. Set up a website under other companies’ super network.
Use kinds of pictures, words, advertising messages to attract customers.
Free gift service
Serve some gifts in some special holidays.
Future Plan
Chain Management
With the supporting of enough capital and human resources, when I focus on the chain management.
Advantage of Chain Management
Uniform management theory.
Uniform corporation identify.
Uniform product services.
Uniform management strategy.
Uniform overspread
New trend for Chain Overspread
Provide unique products to gain competitive advantage.
High technique management skills.
Customer orientation.
Competition orientation.
Future Goal
To become a large scale of restaurant business within Thailand, even globally.
Korean Restaurant
I would like to open a Korean restaurant in Bangkok Thailand. The reasons for that are listed below:
1.Korean food is very famous all over the world. Most of the foreign people prefer to eat kinds of Korean food in their own countries. It can be a good business opportunity for me to invest in foreign country.
2.Thailand is a better place to be invested because the regulations of government are not too strict. It is pretty easy to open a small scale of restaurant without any permitions for the government.
3.Nowadays, there are a lot of Korean students and businesspersons in Thailand. However, some of them cannot adapt the spicy Thai food. I plan to open a restaurant to become a home for all Korean friends.
I plan to open a small scale of Korean restaurant. The food I mainly sell is the Kim-chi. If the guests would like to come to my restaurant, I will certainly offer many kinds of Korean traditional food, such as sesame seeds, garlic, ginger, spring onion, sesame oil, DoenJang (fermented bean paste), GoChuJang etc. and many delicious dishes originally from Korea. Some of the persons who do not really conveniently to come here, I also have the delivery service.
There are many good places to be invested in the Bangkok. But my final choice is the Sukhumvit road, which is located in the center of the city. The transportation is very convenience there. You can take sky train, MRT, and even buses to my restaurant. It is the street that most of the foreigners prefer to visit. Also, many big companies and tall building locate in there. That means I will have a large potential customers at that place. The appearance of the restaurant should be distinctive and symbolized. I prepare to hire some Thai employees to be the waiters. It should be better if someone can speak Korean.
I’d like to do my business with my cousins. If we face some problems, we can discuss together, share experiences and find the best way to solve the problems. Also, we will divide the total business into several parts; each person will take charge for one particular section, such as: negotiate with material suppliers, responsible for product delivery, conduct with customer services and financial management. We certainly focus on the all customers who would like to enjoy the Korean food in Bangkok Welcome to my Korean restaurant.
SWOT analyses can analysis the external and internal factors of the company. I will use the SWOT to analysis the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of my Korean restaurant respectively.
According to my restaurant, I will offer as much as the categories of traditional Korean food. Most of the materials and sauces will be imported from Korean market through some intermediate companies or directly from Korean. This activity will guarantee the original taste of the food. In addition, I will hire the Korean chef to cook the dishes.
I also plan to buy some entertainments in order to make my restaurant more familiar as a home for the customers. For instance, I will buy a 42 inches’ television and install a Korean program satellite because many Korean persons here cannot see the Korean TV programs. I will certainly offer an opportunity that people can enjoy the delicious food; meanwhile, they will enjoy the familiar TV program as well.
According to my experience, the services of Korean restaurant are not as good as Thai restaurant. Therefore, I need to improve the quality of my services. I will reward the employee who has the best service for the customers. Due to the high cost of materials supply, the price of the dishes should be much higher than the others. But I will adjust it to adapt the customers’ demand. Normally, most of the customers will pay much attention on the food safety. Therefore, I will try my best to avoid the problems of uncleanness.
As I mentioned before, there are more and more Korean students and businesspersons coming to Thailand. They are all my potential customers. My restaurant will be set up at Sukhumvit road, which is one of the busiest streets in city center. Most of the foreigners and white-collar persons work in the buildings, which are located beside this road. The transportation is also very convenience. You can take sky train, MRT, and even buses to my restaurant.
I plan to set up a website in order to advertise my Korean restaurant. Customers can also order the food through the Internet, and we will deliver to them as soon as possible.
We will certainly face many competitors at Sukhumvit road. As we known, there are a lot of Korean and Thai restaurant at that road. But the prices are all very high. We need to adjust the price or increase the quality of food taste to compete with them. The internal weaknesses will directly threaten my restaurant. So we will solve or avoid the internal weaknesses to confirm my position within the competition.
We have 12 types of inside restaurant

Outside restaurant
Office design
Organizational chart
Overview the branded dishes of
Gaemgyu Korean Restaurant
Hanjeongsik (Korean table d’hote)
Hanjeongsik is a full-course Korean meal with an array of savory side dishes. The most lavish of Hanjeongsik traditions originated from banquets held at the royal palaces or homes of aristocrats.
Usually the course starts with a cold appetizer and porridge, and the main dishes include dishes mixed with seasonings either grilled, boiled, steamed, fried or salted. Hot pots are included as well as after the meal, traditional drinks such as Sikhye (sweet rice punch) or Sujeonggwa (cinnamon-persimmon punch) and other desserts may be served. The types or dishes served in Hanjeongsik vary significantly according to the season and region.
Main Dishes Served on a Hanjeongsik Table

Kimchi is a fermented dish that can be preserved for a long time. In the past, Koreans prepared it as a dietary supplement for the winter months. There are now more than 160 varieties of kimchi differentiated by region and ingredients. Kimchi has long been the basic side dish served at every Korean meal. It is also a main ingredient for kimchi stew, kimchi pancake, kimchi fried rice, kimchi ramyeon (ramen noodles), and other traditional and innovative kimchi hybrids that offer unique tastes and flavors. Kimchi , a Korean traditional dish long believed to help prevent various diseases, was spotlighted by the media
During the recent SARS scare. This beloved food, a staple on Korean tables, has evolved into a global health food.
1.Tongbaechu Kimchi (Cabbage Kimchi)
This is the classic kimchi made with native cabbage and served at almost every Korean meal.
2.Oisobagi (Stuffed Cucumber Kimchi)
This is suitable for the sultry summer months when people lose their appetite. Slit-cut cucumbers are stuffed with a mixture of vegetables and seasonings, and fermented for a day or two.
3.Nabak Kimchi (Radish Water Kimchi)
It is usually made in the water and crisp broth is very refreshing.
4.Dongchimi (Watery Radish Kimchi)
Without using Korean chili powder, radishes are marinated in brine, seasoned with garlic and ginger, then fermented. It is mainly a winter kimchi.
5.Baek Kimchi (White Kimchi)
It is very similar to regular kimchi except that Korean chili powder is not used.
6.Chonggak Kimchi (Whole Baby Radish Kimchi)
This very crunchy kimchi has a refreshing and tangy taste. Its name, which literally means bachelor kimchi, comes from the shape of the young radish, which resembles the ponytailed braid of an unmarried man’s traditional hair-style.
7.Yeolmu Mul Kimchi (Young Radish Water Kimchi)
The cool and mild taste of this kimchi makes it another popular side dish for the summer.
8.Bossam Kimchi (Wrapped Kimchi)
Pears, mussels, chestnuts and dates are added in the seasoning to make a fancier kimchi. It is then wrapped in a cabbage leat.